Friday, October 5, 2012

Technology and social change

No one can deny how the use of technology in the school has been stressed. It becomes a “must “in education today. However, many concerns can be raised when we consider how we approach it. It seems also clear that different generation mean different approaches.  Technology can be used as a power to transform or to shape our student life. I think that besides of a tool or devices to make learning fun and interesting making, it can be more powerful. We, as teachers, have the responsibility to be aware of the needs for our students, help them to become “critically technology literate”. This means that they have to be able to formulate questions such as: why, when, how can I use it; or simply to question the purpose of using it consciously. This will enable them to construct their knowledge, construct meaning of their reality, to comprehend how it can help them to define themselves. This is how using technology can enhance and support their learning.
I am pretty confident that our students need not only to master skill to manipulate technology devices but  also to learn how to use it as an instrument to shape their view and transform their lives.  This is fundamentally important and crucial. I would say, paraphrasing conscious critical thinkers, “critically technology literate”. It is true and valuable not only for our students but also for us as teacher. Being in a society where everything is “capitalized”, becoming “critically technology literate” will be a “plus” to us. This reminds me an article written by Ira Shor and entitled: What is critical literacy? I think that, as changing agent, we need to understand and comprehend the aim of using technology. It has to be taught with a “critical pedagogy” in order to promote change in our society as “critical literacy “would do in approach to reading. I believe that technology cannot be only a hobby but a tool to support change and transformation in our society.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you made mention of how it is our job as teachers to make sure that when technology is implemented inside of our classrooms, that children know how to not only use technology, but to also apply it to their everyday lives and the scenarios that they come across. After all, that is the entire purpose of education; right?

    Also, when you look at it again, us teaching our students to utilize technology inside of the classroom, aren't we also going towards the opposite of the entire purpose of education. Technology will make students more dependent, instead of independent, which should be our purpose. It's a hard, rocky decision that will need to be made. However, i honestly do not think that we have a say in it. I feel that technology will soon take over regardless. What do you think?
