Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Did you know about Learnist

Did You Know about Learnist?

Learnist: A Helpful Tool on the Road to Inquiry.  This is the title of an article published on Edutopia on November 12, 2012. When I saw the title during my research on the web, I was quite wondering about its content and in what extent it can be helpful to me as educator. This article confirms the idea that educators can offer students opportunity to succeed when they granted them access to knowledge through technology. It is also a way to encourage them to apply knowledge discovered to inquire about the world around them.

The author, after explaining her mission which is “enable students to become literate, self-motivated, competent, lifelong learners by providing a multi-cultural, student- centered environment,” she carefully describes how she discovered Learnist and how helpful it can be to users. It allows them to collect web resources and add them to "Learnboards" to educate an audience about a particular subject, she added. Besides of that, Learnist lets her share resources technologically, freely and easily. She affirms:” it enables me to represent myself as a lifelong learner to my peers and to my students.” She said.

The most interesting thing is how to apply “Learnist in the classroom. It allows teachers to incorporate elements of a flipped classroom in their teaching. It can be used also to teach grammar (such verb tense, passive and active voice) .Creating lessons on Learnist helped teachers make good use of their class time and facilitate success in their classroom. I was excited to discover this article and I hope that sharing it with my classmate will be another “plus” in finding way to enhance learning while integrating technology in our teaching. I don’t know if like the author you will see so many possibilities for Learnist in your classroom or   you will be excited to apply this innovation to your teaching practice like she is.  I will conclude with her words saying thatLearnist may seem like a simple tool, but for my students and their future, it is simply revolutionary”.


  1. Your post about Learnist interested me to do some further research! I’ve learned that this is a handy tool for organization, collaboration, combating boredom, keeping the students up to date, teaching researching skills, grouping students together, and what I find to be the most important; making your lessons have a realistic purpose. I’m sure we all have come across the thought of having those students who reluctantly do not want to participate in your lesson because they question, “What is the purpose of this?” One of my biggest fears is not being able to answer that question. Learnist allows us to create a learnboard connecting classroom materials with jobs and fields of study!

    As you mentioned, I think Learnist would definitely improve success in the classroom. With all of the stress to meet high standards for our students, Learnist is something to take into consideration and further investigate.

  2. Your entire blog on Learnist was very interesting. It's great that she was able to find a form of technology that not only helped her and allowed her and her students to communicate with each other, but also her and her colleagues. I think that this is a fabolous form of technology for all teachers to utilize. Learnist has reminded me of what we are using now, eblogger. We are able to communicate with our professor, as well as our peers, and other people in the world is also able to see our blogs. It's great!
