Monday, November 19, 2012

Interactivity #4

As a future teacher who believes in discovery, I always envision my classroom a student centered classroom. I think it is more beneficial, productive or conducive to learning than others. Consequently, the chosen lesson plan for this activity is a project student centered. Studying a foreign language provides students with opportunity to discover, inquire, compare and contrast patterns of their culture and the target language. I choose this lesson plan because it addresses standards and reflects my views on teaching foreign languages. It is a unit lesson where group project is considered. This allows students to develop team spirit and cooperation. When executing this project, student can judge, challenge, and use creative and constructive thinking. In fact, the overview of this lesson plan challenges students’ ability to be responsible for their own learning. As an example, students are asked to research, to create, present information while working collaboratively in group, but it is also required to do task that show individual responsibility.

I did not find any gap between the curriculum goals, teaching strategy and technology when analyzing this lesson plan. It is a technology –based lesson where parameters of a research module such: questioning, planning, and gathering, sorting, synthesizing, evaluating and reporting are considered. Material aids and resources such web sites, charts are provided by teachers. The projects, - create a power point slide show presentation on the “cuisine francophone”, - is created to expand upon the text –based food unit and incorporate the study of francophone culture. Computer, Internet and social media can be used in completing this project.  However, it would be interesting to see students get more involved by enhancing collaboration, participation, and large group discussions through discussion board or wiki posting. The technology is essential to the curriculum because it is the tool to use to complete the project.

Here is the link:                                      


  1. Hi Anne,

    I like the way that your chosen lesson plan uses technology to enhance learning while still requiring students to possess key content area specific skills and knowledge to complete the assignment. I think the incorporation of group work is another strength of this lesson plan because it allows the students to not only collaborate for the assignment, but it also gives them an opportunity to practice speaking and writing to each other in the foreign language.

  2. Hey Anne,

    I like most about your lesson plan how you you chose one that would not only incorporate technology and your majorr as a foreign language, but also how it will include individual work from the students, as well as group work. I feel that it is a good balance to have both group and individual work being done during a lesson.You did a great job finding a suitable lesson plan for foreign languages.
